• Works include building renovations, enhanced amenities, accessibility measures and energy upgrades to help build resilience of communities.
• Community Centre Investment Fund to become a permanent rolling fund to upgrade, refurbish and build local community centres.
Funding under the 2024 Community Centre Investment Fundwill help community centres in Waterford carry out building renovations and enhance amenities, said Fine Waterford Fine Gael Minister John Cummins.
Minister John Cummins said this funding will result in community facilities being more sustainable and accessible, so that they can be enjoyed by all. “I am delighted to see funding of €841,065 for community centres in Waterford. I want to thank the volunteers who work so hard to facilitate activities in our community centres.
“Community centres play an essential role in bringing our communities together. Whether it’s local meetings, celebrations, or classes for children or retired people, our community centres in Waterford have always been a central point in every town and village for people to come together.
“Communities across Waterford will now be empowered to make the changes they need to their community centres to ensure they are up to a high standard. I know the community have worked so hard to run and maintain the centres, and the funding will go a long way in helping the upkeep of the facility.
“Nationwide this funding will be used for a range of measures such as roof and insulation enhancements; others will see kitchen and toilet upgrades; while others will ensure their buildings are more accessible and energy efficient.
“This funding will make our towns and villages better places to live, work, and raise a family. This funding is aimed at the heart of our communities in Waterford, and I look forward to seeing the completed works”, concluded Minister John Cummins.
The Government has today announced funding of €26.1 million under the 2024 Community Centre Investment Fund, which will deliver enhancement and refurbishment works on 369 community centres nationwide. In excess of €109 million has already been approved under the fund.
The successful community centre projects announced today will receive capital grants of up to €100,000 under category 2 of the fund. This builds on the recent approval in November of over €7.8 million for small scale refurbishment works of up to €25,000 on over 400 centres under category 1.
The Community Centres Investment Fund supportscommunity groups with the upgrade and development of their Community Centre facilities. Funding has been madeavailable under 3 Categories with grants of between €10k and €300K available, today’s announcement was under category 2:
➢ Category 1: Small scale projects/improvements to facilities - €10,000 to €25,000.
➢ Category 2: Larger scale projects - €25,001 to €100,000.
➢ Category 3: Major projects- €100,001 to €300,000.
* Applications under Category 2 and 3 must include a minimum contribution of 5% of the total project costs from the applicants own funds