Housing Assistance Payment (HAP)
What is it?
HAP is a form of rent support provided by local authorities to those who qualify for social housing and are renting privately while awaiting a
social housing allocation. Under HAP, local authorities will make rent payments on behalf of the HAP recipient directly to the landlord. The HAP recipient then pays a differential rent contribution (based on income) to the local authority.
Will HAP affect my ability to get a social housing allocation?
No it will not. HAP tenants are eligible to use the CBL system as above and will not be disadvantaged by being a HAP tenant.
What are the maximum rates payable?
In general, the rent must be within the allowed HAP Rent Limits for your household size. However, local authorities have flexibility to go above the HAP rent limits, if you can’t find accommodation within the limits. They do this on a case-by-case basis and can;• Increase by up to 35% above the rent limits.• Increase the HAP rates for a single person to the rates allowed for couples.